The accused, identified as 31-year-old Neetu Singh and her paramour 24-year-old Vijay Singh were arrested yesterday after it was revealed in an investigation that the duo had killed Raghvender Singh (48) last month to continue with their illicit relationship, they said.
Singh's body was recovered on June 9, 2014 near Zakhira railway crossing in Sarai Rohilla area of North Delhi.
Neetu Singh was the third wife of the deceased whom he had married 16 year ago. Raghvender, worked at a private press at Anand Parbat area.
"As Raghvender had become a hurdle in their relationship and he had been maligning Neetu and Vijay among neighbours, both of them decided to get rid of him," said Deputy Commissioner of Police (North) Madhur Verma.
"As per plan, on the intervening night of July 8-9, Vijay offered liquor to the victim and when he became heavily drunk, he killed with broken beer bottles. After the murder both the accused dumped victim's body in the bushes near railway crossing," he said.