At least 15 people workingin a small industrial unit in Jalna district of Maharashtra have been shifted to government hospital after a 30-year-old woman worker tested positive for coronavirus, officials said on Saturday.Authorities are now tracing people who might have come in contact with the woman who had recently travelled to her native Narmada district in Gujarat from Gundewadi village in Jalna."The woman had left the village following a fight with her husband who also works in the same unit," a senior Jalna administration official said.She reached Narmada district on April 14 and was tested positive on April 15, he said quoting a communication from Narmada district superintendent of police.After receiving the letter, Health department and the Jalna police swung into action and admitted 15 people working in the factory, including husband of the woman, and some villagers who came in contact with her, in hospital, another official said.When asked about how could the woman managed to travel to Narmada district, which is located around 450 kms away from Jalna while the lockdown is in force, the official said she might have hitched ride in a private vehicle or a ruck."At least two factories are located in Gundewadi area, and many trucks and vehicles pass through that area," he said.Authorities are now trying to find out whether the woman contracted the infection in Gundewadi village or while travelling to Gujarat.