A 20-year-old woman trekker fromMumbai died after falling off a cliff during a trek at Hadsar fort in Junnar tehsil in Pune district on Wednesday, police said.The deceased, Siddhi Sunil Kamte, a resident of Chichpokali in Mumbai, had come with a group of around 35 trekkers at the Hadsar fort, located around 13 kms from Shivneri fort."The incident took place around 10 am on Wednesday when the group members were climbing the fort and were supposed to conduct a cleanliness drive at the top to mark the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj," an officer from Junnar police station said.While trekking, Siddhi lost her balance and fell from a height of more than 350 feet, he added."With the help of local residents and police personnel, Siddhi was taken to a hospital, where she was declared brought dead," the officer said.Hadsar, Shivneri, Chawand and Jivdhan are some of the popular forts in Junnar tehsil for trekking enthusiasts.