Rachakonda Police Commissioner Mahesh M Bhagwat today issued orders to detain the woman, J Aruna Reddy, under the Act.
"She was involved in as many as 10 cases of cheating 19 persons to tune of Rs 3,23,30,807 since 2009. She has been detained under the PD Act and lodged in special prison for women in Chanchalguda," Bhagwat said.
In 2005, the CBI had arrested Aruna along with her younger sister for allegedly cheating a PSU bank here by pledging forged documents after they signed as guarantors for a loan of Rs 40 lakh taken by their father, police said.
Aruna later started posing herself as a realtor and collected money from public by offering to arrange gold at less prices. She also duped people by offering flats at cheaper rates, the commissioner said.
The Act is invoked against repeat offenders, especially those creating severe law and order problems.