At an event hosted by a Aaj Tak TV news channel, Delhi chief minister Shiela Dikshit, leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj and CPI(M) Politburo member Brinda Karat said lack of political determination and will have led to delay in the passing the bill.
Praising the Goa police for taking the correct step in lodging a rape case against Tehelka founder Tarun Tejpal, Karat said he has to face the law.
Brinda Karat said there is a need for political determination. "We passed the bill in Rajya Sabha in 2010 after a long struggle. But it took three years to come to Lok Sabha. It is a game of power. Empowerment of women in politics means disempowerment of men..These two things go hand in hand," said Karat.
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"On this issue, when it came to Panchayati Raj, this question did not arise as their (men's) chairs were secured. 33 per cent reservation was given in it. Many states increased it to 50 per cent. Objections were raised when its introduction was sought in Parliament,"she said.
She added "people jokingly say that saying yes to the Women's Bill is signing one's suicide note. The problem arises when they think that their own chairs will not be secured..," the leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha added.