A peek into their lives and mission is going to be showcased on Discovery Channel's new series-"The Lion Queens of India". A gripping tale of these women who surely know how to tame the wild with their strength and finesse is scheduled to premiere on September 28 at 9pm.
For Vadher, it all started because of financial constraints. A friend told her about the forest department's recruitment drive and she presented herself at their doorstep. Since then, women forest guards at Gir National Park have increased by a substantial number and their mission is to preserve the endangered species of Asiatic lions.
"Ours is the first such women forest guard company and we have received proper training for our post. I guess the girls in our area have taken inspiration from our group and started to apply for this job," she says.
The show intends to bring alive some of the most daring wildlife action of the gutsy and resolute female foresters of the Gir National Park - the last refuge to the endangered species of Asiatic lions.