"Many of the cases are being reported by those women who have consensual physical relationship but when relationship breaksduetooneortheotherreason,thewomanusesthelaw asaweaponforvengeanceandpersonalvendetta.
"Iamconsciousofthelegalpropositionthatconviction insuch likecasescanbemadeonthesoletestimonyofthe prosecutrixeven withoutanymedicalcorroborationandthe versionofthevictiminrape commands great respect and acceptability but if there are some circumstanceswhichcast doubtinthemindofthecourtoftheveracityof victim's evidence,thenitisnotsafetorelyontheuncorroborated versionofthevictimofrape," Additional Sessions Judge Sanjiv Jain said.
The court's verdict came on a woman's complaint alleging that she got in touch with the accused regarding job but he raped her on December 12, 2013 in his car and threatened to kill her if she disclosed the incident to anyone.
The court, however, acquitted him, saying thetestimony ofthecomplainant wasnotconsistent andcogent, adding, that she lodged a false complaint due to a quarrel between them after she denied the accused commission for finding her a job.
"Factsandcircumstances show that when the dispute arose over payment of commission, the complainant inafitofanger lodgedthecomplaintagainsttheaccused makingallegations of rape, though theirrelationswereconsensual," it said.