There were reports that actor Sidharth Malhotra, who will be seen in Bhatt's upcoming film 'Ek Villain', will be part of the forthcoming installments of 'Raaz' and 'Murder'. A report claimed that Sidharth had signed a multiple-film deal with the banner (Vishesh Films).
Quashing such reports, Bhatt said only Emraan will take forward the franchises.
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Citing the example of 'Murder 3' (2013), which starred Randeep Hooda and Aditi Rao Hydari, Bhatt said, "We have burnt our fingers thoroughly with 'Murder 3', a venture Emraan did not spearhead, and we do not plan to repeat that. Whoever is spreading these rumours (of Sidharth doing the franchise) has vested interests and is way out of line."
"I hope this puts the malice to rest...We will not make (the next) 'Murder' or 'Raaz' without Emraan," he said.
Before starting his journey as an actor, Emraan worked with Vishesh Films as an assistant director on Vikram Bhatt's 'Raaz' (2002).
In 2003, he made his acting debut with Bhatt's 'Footpath' and was then seen in erotic thriller 'Murder' (2004), which was successful at the box office.
Subsequently, Emraan appeared in several hit films, mostly under the Vishesh Films banner, like 'Zeher', 'Kalyug' 'Gangster', 'Awarapan', 'Jannat', 'Raaz - The Mystery Continues', 'Murder 2', 'Jannat 2', 'Raaz 3D' and others.