Making a suo motu statement, she said the state had submitted the proposal to the World Bank for extending the Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation and water Bodies Restoration and Management Project (TN-IAMWARM) from April 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014.
TN-IAMWARM was introduced in 2005 with financial aid from World Bank to restore water bodies in the state to benefit 6.69 lakh hectares of cultivable land. So far under the project, work on restoring 4,910 lakes, 662 dams and 8,071 km long canals has been taken up and are nearing completion.
"This year 310 lakes, 63 anicuts and channels in 26 sub basin framework in 17 districts will be restored at a cost of Rs 258.73 crore and their capacity increased," she said.