Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a devastating, life threatening, genetic neuromuscular disorder which affects approximately 2.5 lakh children around the world, Dr B R Lakshmi of Molecular Diagnostic, Counseling, Care and Research Centre (MDCRC), in Kurinji Hospital told reporters here today.
The vast majority of Duchenne patients are boys and young men who progressively lose their physical functions before they inevitably die of this cruel disease, Lakshmi said.
Based on the international guidelines, MDCRC offers a comprehensive multi-disciplinary clinical care programme involving pediatrics, neurology, orthopedics, psychiatry, pulmonology, cardiology and psychosocial management for DMD affected children.
MDCRC is the only centre in India offering multi- disciplinary clinical care to children affected with DMD, since there is currently no cure for DMD, but for the first time ever there are several drugs under development.
A survey, first of its kind in the world, in the five western districts of Tamil Nadu for these rare disorders, in which nearly 14 lakh houses were covered between 2011-2013, noticed their prevalence and the Centre identified close to 2,200 children affected with DMD.
The facility holds the largest database for DMD in the country, which helped to identify patients suitable for any treatment when they reach the common man, since treatments for genetic disorders necessitate tailor made cures.