Vincent was born on September 4, a year ago. His parents describe him as a happy, healthy child, not that different from any other one-year-old.
In an interview published by Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri (DI) the parents Malin Stenberg and Claes Nilsson, said they are grateful to the 61-year-old woman - the mother of Nilsson's best friend - who donated her womb for the ten-hour transplant surgery.
"How could anyone do this for us? A 'thank you' is not enough," he told the newspaper.
Vincent's mother, who was born without a womb, was one of nine who received a transplant from live donors in a trial led by Mats Brannstrom, the Swedish professor in obstetrics and gynaecology of the University of Gothenburg and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The trial has seen another tree babies being born in the past year and another woman is currently pregnant.