"This year the Western Railway ran only two special trains having normal fares. These two (summer special) trains did 48 rounds (to and fro). During previous years, more such trains were run during the peak summer time," Right to Information (RTI) activist Chandrashekhar Gaur told PTI here today, as per the reply received by him.
According to information received by him through an RTI query, the WR in 2014 ran 26 summer special trains having normal fare which did 1,011 rounds (to and fro). The Western Railway ran 31 such summer special trains (which made 1,727 rounds) in 2013, 24 (that did 630 rounds) in 2012 and 33 (1,420 rounds) in 2011.
Gaur said when he sought to know from the WR about the reasons behind the decision to run premium trains charging comparatively more than others, he got a reply that these trains are run on the directives of the Railway Board, demands received from the commercial department and on the basis of operational feasibility.