Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Tarun Yogesh held Haryana resident Ravinder guilty of theft and said that except for his "bare" denial, he could not explain how the stolen earrings went into his stomach.
"On the basis of incriminating, rather clinching evidence proved on record by prosecution which could not be explained by accused, except for his feeble attempt by denying the same, there is no defence on record which would dissuade court from relying upon the evidence led by the prosecution.
"But, pieces of stolen ear-ornament of complainant which was swallowed by accused were revealed in his X-ray reports and were subsequently recovered from faeces passed by him with his stool," it said, adding that the "court cannot remain oblivious of the fact of rise in such offences and previous conviction of convict Ravinder in six cases which impels the court to record that he is a hardened criminal and there is no scope of any reformation".
The accused was apprehended by Rita's brother, who later handed him over to the police.
However, the earrings were not seized from his possession. Police could only find the stolen ornament when Ravinder underwent an X-ray examination.