Producers NBC and NBCUniversal International are currently searching for a writer to board the reboot, which hails from original executive producers Rob Tapert and Sam Raimi, said The Hollywood Reporter.
The makers are prepping the reboot of the beloved Lucy Lawless action-adventure drama. The drama is in the extremely early development stages.
Tapert and Raimi are also involved in the project, which is considered to be a "modern reboot."
It is unclear what, if any, role original star Lawless would have, though sources said that insiders would like the original star to have both a role onscreen and behind the scenes.
The original series ran in syndication for six seasons from September 1995 to June 2001 and originally started as a spin-off from "Hercules" after producers realised how popular the Xena (Lawless) character was and opted to launch a new series built around the Amazon warrior on a quest for redemption and her trusted companion Gabrielle (Renee O'Connor).
The drama was a cult favourite and ratings hit, ranking in the top five syndicated programs during each of its six seasons.