“He has submitted his resignation effective May 30,” Karnataka Assembly Speaker Kagodu Thimmappa said. Yeddyurappa had won Shikaripura seat in 2013 Assembly elections as Karnataka Janata Paksha (KJP) candidate, the party he had floated after breaking away from BJP. Scoring a spectacular victory, Yeddyurappa had won the Shimoga seat by 3,63,305 votes in the April 17 Lok Sabha polls, after his return to BJP early this year.
He merged his KJP with BJP.
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Yeddyurappa, reportedly a ministerial aspirant, had last week written to Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi, pledging to work for strengthening the party in the state, after apparently being asked not to lobby.
A group of BJP leaders from Karnataka, including Yeddyurappa, had met Modi after the results apparently to push their case for ministerial berths but they were reportedly told not to lobby and to work for strengthening the party instead.