"The government of Yemen (GOY) welcomes President Obama's remarks and actions today. In particular, Yemen welcomes the administration's decision to lift the moratorium on detainee transfers to Yemen," Mohammed Albasha, the spokesman for Yemen's embassy in Washington, said yesterday.
Obama announced the decision in a major speech outlining a new bid to close the "war on terror" prison in Guantanamo, saying history will "cast a harsh judgement" on the detention program and those who failed to end it.
He said he would lift a moratorium in place on transfers of Yemeni detainees to their homeland, name a new envoy to handle the transfers, and ordered the Pentagon to designate a site in the US for military trials of the detainees.
"Yemen's partnership with the United States is strong, and GOY values the ongoing cooperation to tackle mutual threats and promote the unity, stability, and prosperity of the nation," the embassy statement said.