Nine-year-old Abdul Malek, who was diagnosed with liver disorder called Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis (FPIC), leading to severe jaundice, underwent the transplant surgery on June 15 in Fortis Hospital here.
"This is the first successful paediatric living donor liver transplant in Uttar Pradesh. Many children are not able to receive timely liver transplant due to lack of awareness and limited number of transplant centers," Dr Vivek Vij, Head of Department, Liver Transplant told reporters here today.
"Liver transplant in kids is technically more challenging because of small size of vessels but availability of proper infrastructure and expert team can ensure higher survival chances," Dr Rajeev Tomar, Consultant, Paediatric Hematologist, said.
Post-surgery recovery of the child was remarkable, who was discharged within two weeks of the liver transplant, Vij said.