At a time when lenders are playing it safe by sticking to their own customers to sell credit cards, the bank plans to go all out seeking customers from outside for the unsecured lending product.
"Credit card is central to our customer acquisition plans. We don't believe there is anything like an internal customer or an external customer," the bank's senior group president for retail and business banking Pralay Mondal said.
Mondal, who is credited with HDFC Bank's successes on retail front, said he is confident of achieving the ambitious target, saying the market is skewed towards a few players now.
With over 7.25 million cards, HDFC Bank is the largest card issuer now, followed by ICICI Bank with 3.65 million cards and SBI with 3.62 million.
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Even though retail segment has gained greater focus, banks are shy of growing their unsecured books comprising credit card folios.
The card proposition includes seven variants and lowest interest rates in the industry, starting from 1.2 per cent per month to 2.4 per cent, he said, adding the card fees will start from Rs 250 and go up as per the variant a customer chooses.
Head of credit cards business, Rajanish Prabhu said a team of over 400 have already been hired for the business.
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