The accused, identified as Alia Sahu of Sitarampalli, was arrested last night, they said, adding that the incident took place on July 10 but the mother of the victim lodged her complaint on July 12.
"We have arrested the accused after a medical examination of the victim and recorded her statement before the Judicial Magistrate," inspector in-charge of Buguda police station RK Dey said.
Accused Sahu allegedly raped the child at her home in the pretext of playing with her, while her mother was busy working at another side of the house, Dey said.
The baby, who sustained injuries, was rushed to a local hospital, Dey said, adding, that the medical examination of the accused person was conducted at MKCG Medical College and Hospital here, the report of which was awaiting.
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Meanwhile, in Berhampur under the same police station limit, a 35-year-old daily labourer was killed when a truck allegedly ran over him today, police said.
Sanjay Pradhan of Karadabadi died on the spot, Dey said, adding that, a previous enmity could be the cause of the incident.