The incident took place last night when 55-year-old Gopal Tiwari returned home after closing his shop. On entering the residence, an argument broke out between him and his son Vijendra Tiwari (23) over his being unemployed, police said today.
"Neighbours told us frequent fights had been taking place between the two in the past as well. However, last night's altercation took an ugly turn when Vijendra took a knife from the kitchen and allegedly stabbed his father in the chest.
The incident came to light when Vijendra's younger brother, Ravindra, found his parents lying in a pool of blood and raised an alarm.
"Someone made a PCR call following which a police team reached the spot and rushed the two victims to hospital where Gopal was declared brought dead while his wife was recuperating," the official said.
Police have registered a case of murder and attempt to murder against Vijendra and a manhunt has been launched to nab Vijendra Tiwari. The body has been sent for postmortem and further investigations are underway, police said.