A division bench of justices Anil Menon and Vijaya Tahilramani recently dismissed an appeal filed by the convict, Anant alias Rakesh Ratan Let, against a sessions court order convicting him for the murder.
He is currently serving his sentence in Nashik Central prison.
The judges held, "We are of the opinion that there is sufficient evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the appellant committed murder of Zarina by assaulting her with a knife and in the course of the incident, injuries were also inflicted on Reshma, also engaged in prostitution, who tried to save the victim."
"Finding of blood of the group of the deceased (Zarina) on the clothes of the appellant (shirt, pant and underwear) is a strong incriminating factor against the appellant," the HC judges noted in their findings.
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Besides, the accused was found to have sustained a deep cut injury on his left thumb. "This is sufficient to prove that he had been involved in the attack on Zarina and Reshma," said the Judges.
The assailant was overpowered by people after Reshma grappled with him at a residence in Grant Road where they were engaged in prostitution.
The incident occurred in 2009 and a sessions court convicted the accused after a trial in June 2010.