According to police, the accused, identified as Dastagir, a resident of Aman Nagar here, kidnapped the girl who lived in the same area on the evening of August 11, and strangled her with her scarf when she resisted his attempt to rape her, police said.
Afterwards he dumped the body in a water pit in an under-construction building and fled to Basavakalyan in Bidar district of Karnataka, they said.
The victim's mother lodged a complaint with Bhavani Nagar police on August 12 that her 12-year-old daughter, who had gone out previous evening to buy meat and vegetables, had not returned.
Dastagir allegedly confessed that he was attracted to the girl. On August 11 evening, he intercepted her on the road, took her to an under-construction building, and tried to rape her.
As she resisted and started screaming, he strangled her, police said, adding, further probe is on.