The Additional Sessions Judge S N Shelke held the accused Amrit Dandekar guilty on charges of kidnapping and attempt to rape under sections 376(2)(f) r/w section 511 (attempt to rape), 366 (a) (kidnapping, abducting or inducing woman to compel her marriage) and other sections of IPC.
The court also imposed a fine of Rs 4000 on Dandekar, a resident of Khoni Village of Bhiwandi taluka, and sentenced him to three years in jail. All the sentences will run concurrently.
Dandekar's accomplice Kishore Vasant Shelke (22), who was tried for abetment to crime, was acquitted of the charge as the prosecution could not prove his role in the crime.
According to prosecution, the incident dated to June 26, 2010 when the accused lured the victim playing outside her house and took her on his bike.
He attempted to rape her while she was in his custody from the night of June 26 to June 28.