Additional Sessions Judge Gautam Manan, who also imposed a fine of Rs 5,000 on convict Deepak observed that he was young at the time of commission of offence.
"Considering the fact that at the time of commission of offence, the convict (Deepak) was around 20 years old, and he has shown remorse of his act, a lenient view is taken against him," the court said.
While convicting Deepak, the court relied on testimonies of the victim and his father saying it was also corroborated by medical evidence.
"In the light of the testimony of the victim and his father, which is being duly corroborated by medical evidence, it stands proved that accused Deepak committed carnal intercourse against the order of nature with the minor," the court said.
Meanwhile, the court granted bail for 30 days to the convict on a personal bond of Rs 10,000 and a surety of the like amount after he moved an application saying he intends to file an appeal against the judgement and order on sentence.