Chand Alam went missing on June 7, after which his father Yakub received a ransom call for Rs five lakh. Yakub later filed a complaint, SP Sitapur Soumitra Yadav said.
He said that crime branch and surveillance cell were deployed in this connection.
During investigation, it was found that the calls were made from a nearby locations, the SP Sitapur said.
Later abductors agreed on ransom of Rs 2.5 lakh, he said.
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During interrogation it was revealed that Chand Alam himself hatched the plan along with his six friends identified as Naushad, Shaban, Chand Babu, Irshad, Ahtishaam and Kaamil.
Chand Alam staged his abduction to get money from his father as he wanted to buy a bike and expensive mobile, the SP said.
He also assured his friends that he will pay a handsome amount to them if they help him excute the plan, Yadav said.