"How To Be a Bawse: A Guide to Surviving Conquering Life" is inspired by hilarious and honest stories from Lilly's own experiences and life achievements and proves that becoming a 'bawse' requires hard work and dedication - and that there are no shortcuts to success, publishers Penguin Random House said.
"I am so thrilled to write my first book and share, all in one place, what I've learned about achieving success and happiness. This journey has taught me to always pick yourself up, not allow anything to stand in your way and that the only secret to achieving your dreams is hard work," says Lilly aka Superwoman, who has found worldwide fame through her comedic and inspirational YouTube videos, amassing over 9 million subscribers across her YouTube channel.
Louise Moore, Managing Director of Michael Joseph, says, "Lilly is one of the biggest YouTube stars in the world and publishing the book in this innovative way with the Children's team is the best way to ensure we reach all her fans."
Francesca Dow, Managing Director of PRH Children's, says, "Lilly is a bona-fide superstar. From her YouTube vlogs and movie roles to her sold-out world tour, her witty and vibrant personality always shines through.