The actor and stand-up comedian soared to fame after starring in "The Hangover" - winning the Best Comedic Performance MTV Movie Award for his role of Alan, reported Contactmusic.
"You have to be in the movies for that to happen. Women love a funny guy as a friend. But nobody likes a funny guy in bed. It doesn't work to say, 'Remember that dinner party? I was hilarious, right? Let's go to bed together'," he said.
The 42-year-old is starring alongside "Elf" actor Will Ferrell in upcoming comedy "The Campaign", where the pair play rival politicians.
When asked what the most difficult scene of "The Campaign" was Galifianakis said, "Oh, God. There was one scene where I was dressed up as a cheerleader, wearing a live python round my neck, and thinking the whole time, 'This isn't going to end up in the movie'."