Vishwa Deepak, a producer, said in his resignation letter, also shared on social media, "We journalists often question others but never ourselves. We fix others' responsibilities but never ours. We are called as the fourth pillar of the democracy but are we, our organisations, our thoughts and our actions really democratic?
"This is not just my question but everybody else's too. The way JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar was framed on the pretext of nationalism and declared a traitor through media trial, this came as a very dangerous trend," he said.
Zee News editor Sudhir Chaudhary when contacted said that it is organisation's internal matter.
"Zee media runs 10 national and regional news channels and its newsroom adheres to the highest journalistic standards. Our systems are completely transparent and stringent not to permit any specific viewpoint to domimnate any news broadcast beyond editorial merit," Chaudhary said.