Online restaurant guide and food ordering platformZomatoon Wednesday said it has so far distributed 5 lakh ration kitsequivalent to 5 crore meals, across 66 cities under its 'Feed the Daily Wager' initiative launched in March this year.
The initiative was launched to help the daily wagers who have lost their livelihood due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Zomato Feeding India, the CSR arm of Zomato, has partnered with local NGOs, district administration and volunteers to identify families in need and ensure responsible distribution of the kits, the company said in a statement.
All the donationsreceived are used in procurement and distribution of the ration kits, which are distributed by over 140 local NGOs, it added.
"We are thankful to everyone who has donated so far and are making sure your contribution, no matter how big or small, reaches a family in need. However, the number of daily wagers and livelihoods affected by the lockdown is uncountable and we will continue to work towards relief for our fellow citizens in the days to come," Zomato Feeding India Head Chandan Mendiratta said.
Zomato Feeding India has further identified 5 lakh families who "we can help in the coming days, as we continue to stride towards our goal of raising 50 crore funds to facilitate 10 crore meals," he added.