The film, starring Vicky Kaushal (of 'Masaan' fame) and "Angry Indian Goddesses" actress Sarah-Jane Dias, is a coming-of-age-story of a young man who has a fear of music and is set between Punjab and Delhi.
"Zubaan" won accolades when it opened at the Busan International Film Festival earlier this year with Mozez bagging the 'Rising Director' award.
"I'm glad that my debut film has been praised by one and all at several prestigious film festivals it has been screened. For me, it is a passion project and I eagerly look forward to showcase the movie on March 4, 2016," Mozez said in a statement.
"We are happy to bring 'Zubaan' to cinemas on March 4, 2016. It's an inspiring film and I am sure people will relate to it," Monga said.
Wave Group chairman Raju Chadha and filmmaker and CEO Wave Cinemas Rahul Mittra said they were impressed by the movie's unique and fresh approach to mainstream filmmaking and feel it is going to be a significant film for Bollywood.
Bhushan Kumar's T-Series is on board as the music label.