NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India on Tuesday eased foreign direct investment norms in sectors including mining, defence, civil aviation and broadcasting, in a bid to drum up investment and speed up growth.
Here are the key changes:
Sector/Acti New limit and route Old limit and route
Teleports 100 pct (up to 49 pct 74 pct (up to 49 pct
Also Read
without govt nod)
without govt nod)
Direct to 100 pct (up to 49 pct 74 pct (up to 49 pct
Home (TV) without govt nod)
without govt nod)
Cable 100 pct (up to 49 pct 74 pct (up to 49 pct
networks without govt nod)
without govt nod)
Pvt banking FIIs/FPIs/QFIs can
invest up to 74 pct
Cofee/rubbe 100 pct without govt Only tea open to
r/cardamom/ nod foreign investment
palm oil
FM Radio 49 pct with govt nod 26 pct with govt nod
News 49 pct with govt nod 26 pct with govt nod
Non-news 100 pct without prior 100 pct with govt nod
channels nod
Duty free 100 pct without govt
shops no
Wholesale/s Same entity can do Wholesale/cash &
ingle brand single brand retail carry trader cannot
retailing trading and wholesale open retail shops to
(100 pct without govt sell to consumer
nod) directly
Limited * 100 pct without LLPs with FDI not
liability govt nod ('ownership eligible to make any
partnership and 'control'defined) downstream
s * LLPs having foreign investments
investment permitted
to make downstream
investment in another
company or LLP
Foreign Can give single Can give single
Investment window clearance for window clearance for
Promotion investment investment
Board can projects up projects up
give single to 50 bln rupees to from 30 bln rupees
window ($753 mln)
(Compiled by New Delhi newsroom)