Reuters Market Eye - The BSE Sensex gains 0.34 percent, while the broader Nifty is trading 0.38 percent higher, after earlier hitting their third consecutive record highs in as many sessions. The Nifty rose as much as 0.57 percent to an all-time high of 6,627.45, while the Sensex rose 0.53 percent to a lifetime high of 22,162.52.
Gains were supported by strong buying by overseas investors, who bought Indian shares worth of $2.53 billion so far this month, regulatory data shows.
Metals and capital goods stocks were leading the gains, with the BSE metal index gaining 2.2 percent on hopes for economic stimulus in China, which may result in higher international metal prices, traders say. Tata Steel gains 1.54 percent.
Asian shares raced to two-week highs on Wednesday, with investor confidence getting a much needed boost from upbeat U.S. data and lingering hopes China may take steps to stimulate its sagging economy.
(Reporting by Indulal P)