PK Thomas: Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale-L) is a fast growing and evergreen wooden perennial brought by the Portuguese in the 18th century to India with the main aim of preventing soil erosion in the hilly areas and also near the coast. Unfortunately, the early plantations comprised only of seedlings having wild growth, with each tree occupying a space around four cents (100 cents = 1 acre) or even more. The yields from the trees were also very low, which meant low income for the farmer compared with the income from coconut or rubber plantations.
The attitude of the Central and State governments was also not very encouraging and due recognition was not given to the cashew farming sector in spite of its position as a prime foreign exchange earner. Due to lower income, the farmers never bothered to give sufficient manure and care to the cashew trees for years together. There are even cases of farmers turning away from cashew cultivation and planting more profitable perennial crops.
In addition to the negligence shown by the government, the Land Ceiling Act of the state governments also stood in the way of farmers or corporate bodies in taking up large-scale cultivation