- In 2010, Nitish Kumar's Janata Dal (United) fought the election in alliance with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). This had its obvious spin-off: In the seats going to the polls in Phase V (which include Muslim majority areas like Kishanganj), BJP got the advantage of some Muslim votes. The fifth phase of polls will be held on November 5
- However, in the seats that went to the polls in the first and second phases, the JD(U) and the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), led by Lalu Prasad, bird-dogged each other closely
- There is no evidence of any electoral presence of the BJP in the second position in the first and second phase. Who will be the runner-up in these seats this time?
- In Phase IV (to be held on November 1 ), RJD was the runner-up in 34 seats. Will it move to the No. 1 slot, now that it is in alliance with the JD(U)?