Two computer education institutes Aptech Ltd and LCC Infotech here have a plan to catch the imagination of their target customers through the culture and entertainment route. Aptech kicked off the launch of its new course, eACCP, on April 29, with a musical evening by the young sarod playing duo, Aman and Ayan Ali Bangash. LCC Infotech, on the other hand, will be hosting rock shows in the four metros over the next two months in an effort to register its brand with the youth.
Aptech's associate vice-president Jawahar Sen feels the need for a fresh thinking in promotions. "In an age of intense competition, computer-related firms are constantly fighting for the same mindshare. Putting out the same ad through print and electronic media often results in the law of diminishing returns taking over. The target customer wants to see less of these promotions," he says.
Culture and entertainment was therefore chosen as the preferred medium to hook potential customers. "We chose this route as to get the target clients' undivided attention for two to three hours," points out Sen.
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The Bangash brothers will address the youth of the Calcutta. Since both are computer-savvy and it will be easy for the youth to identify with them, he says.
According to Sen, the foray into sponsoring cultural events is not necessarily through the pop route. The Aptech brandname wants to be associated with heritage and excellence, he pointed out. However, pop shows are not ruled out in the long run. At the national level, the computer education major has roped in MTV VJs Nikhil Chinappa and Maria Goretti as its brand ambassadors who will help pull in audience.
Aptech is looking at an event every month between April and September. The company will also sponsor theatre group Pancham Vaidic's Natya Tarpana which will be staged from May 5 to 7 by a famous Bengali theatre artist, Saoli Mitra, to pay homage to legendary personalities. This three-day event is expected to have a 3,500 audience, while the Bangash brothers expect an audience of 700.
"One reason for choosing theatre was that in the east, theatre, as an art form, lacked corporate support and recognition," points out Sen. "We will pay on an individual costs basis", he says. In a sense, the sponsorship of cultural events is a fulfilment of the slogan with which Aptech is associated _ "We change lives"