Usha Beltron Ltd yesterday announced a net profit of Rs 8 crore in the first quarter of the current financial year compared to Rs 4 crore in the corresponding period last fiscal. While gross profit stood at Rs 18 crore during the period under review against Rs 15 crore in the corresponding period last year, net sales improved to Rs 181 crore in the first quarter of the current fiscal compared to Rs 159 crore in the corresponding period in 1998-99. tent="CMC Ltd yesterday announced that it has achieved a net profit of Rs 1.95 crore in the first quarter of this fiscal, registering over 100 per cent growth as compared to the same period last year. The company's turnover during the first quarter stood at Rs 76.30 crore which is an increase of 48.33 per cent over the corresponding period last year. ">