The Wholesale Debt Segment at the National Stock Exchange clocked a trading volume of Rs 313.37 crore of which the treasury bills segment contributed the volume of Rs 76.60 crore.
Two repo deals worth Rs 50 crore was concluded for the 10.85 per cent government loan maturing on 2001. The deal was done for term of 14 days and at the rate of 8.80 per cent and 9 per cent. The 11.75 per cent government loan maturing on 2006 was traded for Rs 29 crore. The paper was traded at the weighted average yield of 11.94 per cent, at the low of Rs 98.93 and high of Rs 99.20.
The 14 day treasury bill maturing on June 13, 1998 was traded for Rs 41 crore at the weighted average yield of 6.28 per cent. The 91 days treasury bill maturing on August 1, 1998 saw a trade being concluded for Rs 15 crore at the yield of 8.9 per cent.
The 13.40 per cent government loan maturing on 1999 was traded for Rs 20 crore at the weighted average yield of 10.89 per cent. The paper was traded for a low of Rs 103.40 and high of Rs 103.53. The 17 per cent bonds from MTNL was traded for Rs 1 crore at the yield of 15.11 per cent.