The battle for survival for former Prime Minister Narasimha Rao continues. The Supreme Court is to pass orders in a petition filed by Delhi Police commissioner Nikhil Kumar, requesting that the venue of hearing for Rao be changed from Tis Hazari courts as it was not possible to provide foolproof security to him there. If the Supreme Court decides against a change of venue, Rao will have to appear before chief metropolitan magistrate Prem Kumar on Wednesday.
The Delhi High Court will hear the application of Rao's lawyers, who have sought anticipatory bail for their client in the St Kitts forgery case. The court had earlier granted a stay on the arrest of Rao till today. If the courts reject Rao's application, they are likely to move the Supreme Court.
Another case in which the name of Rao figures as the main accused - the alleged bribery of JMM MPs - is to come up before the Delhi High Court where the CBI is to submit a progress report in the case. On the last date of hearing, September 30, the court had sought a list of all the CBI and Intelligence Bureau directors and joint directors for the last ten years. Since the judges have been far from pleased with the CBI's failure to find the source of the money that came to the four Jharkhand leaders, the court had not ruled out taking away the investigations from the CBI.
Fomer communication minister Sukh Ram's bail application is also coming up for hearing in the Delhi High Court. While he has been granted bail in the ARM Ltd case, the court rejected his plea in the disproportionate assets case.
A case which could leave the UF politics in a state of flux is at the Patna High Court. CBI joint director U N Biswas had told the court on Friday last that the report submitted by the CBI was not the one that he had prepared and changes had been made in the report. BJP leader Sushil Modi has filed a contempt petition against CBI director Joginder Singh for allegedly making changes in the report, even though progress in the case was being monitored by a division bench of the Patna High Court.