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Railway Ministry: 8 achievements that really aren't

The Railways Ministry's claims of reforms and achievements fail the data test

Manoj K Bengaluru
Last Updated : Jul 29 2015 | 11:44 PM IST
This report has been updated to incorporate the Union railway ministry's response. Please read the full response at the end of this report

During the one year of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s term, the Ministry of Railways has claimed several “new beginnings” and “key reforms”. Among its achievements: More rail track (1,375 km) electrified in one year than ever before; earnings increased 12%; more bio-toilets were installed; and a feasibility report received from Japan for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train during 2014-15.


Fact Checker took a look at the claims and the reality.


Claim: An increase of 12.2% increase in earnings during 2014-15 due to “key reforms in Railways”.

Reality: The 12% increase in earnings during 2014-15 compared with 2013-14 is lower than 19% and 12.9%, respectively, during each of the previous two financial years, 2012-13 and 2013-14.


Year Actual Earning (In Rs crore) % Increase in Earnings Compared To Previous Year
2007-08 73,467  
2008-09 81,659 11.2%
2009-10 89,230 9.3%
2010-11 96,681 8.4%
2011-12 104,154 7.7%
2012-13 123,901 19%
2013-14 (Provisional) 139,838 12.9%
2014-15 157,881 12.2%

Source: Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, Report to People


Claim: Agreement signed for $1.1-billion loan from the World Bank for the Eastern Dedicated Freight (EDF) corridor.

Reality: The $1.1-billion loan from the World Bank for EDF corridor-II was approved on April 22, 2014, before Modi’s term began.


Year Railway Lines Electrified [Route Kilometres (RKM)] Increase In Electrification Of Railway Lines As Compared To The Previous Year [Route Kilometres (RKM)]
2007-08 502 -
2008-09 797 295
2009-10 1117 320
2010-11 975 -142
2011-12 1165 190
2012-13 1317 152
2013-14 1350 33
2014-15 1375 25

Source: Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, Railways Performance Report Card, Explanatory Memorandum on Railway Budget for 2015

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Claim: 1,375 km of railway electrification completed during 2014-15, termed best-ever for Indian Railways.

Reality: Electrification data reveal such records are set almost every year. The increase in electrification between 2013-2014 and 2014-15 in terms of “route kilometres” is the least when compared to consecutive years over the past eight years (barring 2010-11).


Claim: Bio-toilets have been stated as key achievements by Railways for 2014-15.

Reality: Bio-toilets, which treat human waste instead of letting it on to the tracks, were first installed in 2009: 11,777 bio-toilets have been installed in 4,356 passenger coaches till June 30, 2014.

Year Journey of Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train Feasibility Studies
2002 A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by the Ministry of Railways and the Spanish Railways (RENFE) for undertaking a feasibility study for a High-Speed Train between Mumbai and Ahmedabad.

The proposal has been sent to Ministry of Finance for further processing. Ministry of Finance has further forwarded the proposal to Spanish Embassy in New Delhi. A study was undertaken by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 1987 for Railway Improvement Plan of Transport Capacity and Train Speed on the Delhi Kanpur section.

Total investment was put at around Rs 2,200 crore (in 1987 prices) for laying a new high-speed corridor between Delhi and Kanpur. This study is about 15 years old. The traffic figures now indicate that Mumbai-Ahmedabad is the heaviest corridor. It is considered worthwhile to undertake a fresh study.

The decision about its funding will be taken up once the feasibility of the project is established. It will be offered to prospective investors through the Build, Own, & Operate route or a Public-Private Partnership, based on the feasibility established.
2004 A Techno-economic Feasibility Study for running High-Speed Train between Mumbai and Ahmedabad has been initiated. The proposal will be considered on receipt of the report.
2005 Ministry of Railways had posed High-Speed Rail-Link Project between Mumbai–Ahmedabad under Development Study Programme of Japanese Technical Cooperation Programme for the year 2005-06, through the Ministry of Finance.

Government has subsequently communicated to Japanese authorities that the feasibility study on the project may not be taken in view of the change of priority of the project.
Feb 2006 The high-speed train project is no longer a priority of the Government of India. Ministry of Railways has got the Feasibility Study for the high-speed Rail-link project between Mumbai and Ahmedabad done through Rail India Technical and Engineering Services (RITES) Ltd.

The estimated cost of the project was Rs 20, 352 crore. The rate of return was found to be very low.
July 2006 There was no proposal before Government to commence bullet trains in the country
2007 During the budget speech for 2007-08, it was announced that Ministry of Railways will conduct pre-feasibility studies for the construction of high-speed passenger corridors for running high-speed trains at speeds of 300-350 km per hour? one each in the Northern, Western, Southern and Eastern regions of the country. Pre-feasibility studies shall be undertaken.

It is expected that the pre-feasibility study shall take about two years. As per the budget speech, the proposal is to do pre-feasibility studies for running high-speed trains at a speed of 300– 350 kmph.
2010 Minister of Railways announced in the budget speech for 2010-11 that Railways will undertake construction of high-speed rail corridors in India. Railways have identified six corridors and as these projects require large investments, they will be taken up through the Public-Private Partnership route.

Railways have proposed to set up a National High-Speed Rail Authority for planning, standard setting, implementing and monitoring these projects.
2011 A pre-feasibility study for a high-speed rail corridor between Pune-Mumbai-Ahmedabad has been conducted. The report is under examination by Railways and the State Governments of Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Not possible to give any commitment for time schedule regarding introduction of High Speed trains on Indian Railway track. However, the proposal will be considered further, on receipt of reports.
May 2012 The present status of the pre-feasibility studies for High Speed Rail project Pune–Mumbai/Ahmedabad: “The prefeasibility study has been completed.”
Dec 2012 The status of Pune-Mumbai-Ahmedabad (650 km) corridor, where prefeasibility studies has been completed, is: The final report submitted by the consultant has been accepted by the Ministry of Railways.

The construction cost is estimated to be Rs 49,076 crore, and cost of rolling stock is Rs 6,783 crore (both at 2009 prices). The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) comes to 11.4%.
Feb 2014 Pune-Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor pre-feasibility study has been completed and the final report submitted by the consultant has been accepted by the Ministry of Railways.

For the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail corridor, a joint feasibility study is being done by JICA which is co-financed by the Ministry of Railways and Government of Japan. The study started in December 2013 and will take 18 months for completion.
July 2014 As a part of the Diamond Quadrilateral High-Speed Rail Project on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad sector, two pre-feasibility studies have been completed, and, two studies, one a joint feasibility study and another, a business development study is in progress, as under:

(i) A joint feasibility study for Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Corridor, co-financed by India and Japan, which started in December 2013, will be completed in 18 months.

(ii) A Business Development Study is being undertaken by French Railways (SNCF) which will be completed in 2014.
Feb 2015 For Mumbai-Ahmedabad sector, two studies, one a joint feasibility study, co-financed by India and Japan and another business-development study by French Railway (SNCF) have been undertaken. JICA submitted a first interim report in July 2014 and a second interim report in November 2014. SNCF has submitted the report in September 2014.

A provision of Rs 100 crore has been made in this budget for a high-speed project from RVNL/HSRC (High Speed Rail Corridor).

Source: Rajya Sabha


Claim: Launching of a security helpline for passengers.

Reality: The plan was first approved for 2010-11 and just before the previous government finished its term, the ground work, including finalising the nodal railway zone (Northern Railway), executing agency, budget (Rs 5.2 crore) and signing an agreement with the telecom ministry, had been done.


Claim: Feasibility report from Japan on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train.

Reality: Parliament data show a series of feasibility (or pre-feasibility) studies between 2002 and 2015. (See adjoining box)


Financial Year No. of Stations identified as Adarsh Stations No. of Stations developed as Adarsh Stations
2009-10 378 373
2010-11 201 132
2011-12 401 148
2012-13 278 131
2013-14 70 76
2014-15 0 108

Source: Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha



Claim: Passenger facilities improved at 108 stations under the Adarsh-stations scheme.

Reality: This is a routine affair, since the Adarsh-stations scheme kicked off in 2009 (to provide drinking water, toilets, catering services, waiting rooms and dormitories, especially for female passengers, better signage).

Year Status of Lumding-Silchar Broad Gauge Conversion
2000 Conversion of Lumding-Silchar section of N.F. Railway from metre-gauge into broad-gauge, Final location survey for diversions in the Gnat section to suit the requirement of BG and preparation of land acquisition plan and papers has been taken up.

The paper alignment for entire length and staking of the alignment has been completed in 150 km. Earthwork and bridges are now in progress between Lumding and silchar in 90 km length (40 km from Lumding end and 50 km from Silchar end).

40% of the earthwork and 50 minor bridges in this 90 km length have been completed. Work of Silchar-Jiribam gauge conversion is being carried out as a material modification of this work. Expenditure incurred upto March 2000 is Rs 79.8 crore and an outlay of Rs 40 crore has been provided in Budget 2000-01.
2003 Earthwork and bridge works are in progress. An expenditure of about Rs 115 crore has been incurred on this project up to Mar 31, 2002. An outlay of Rs 70 crore has been provided for 2002-03.
2004 The gauge conversion of Lumding-Silchar-Jiribam is in progress. On Lumding-Silchar section, land acquisition for 342 hectare out of total 368 hectare has already been completed. Earthwork to the tune of 196 lakh cubic metres out of total 292 lakh cure and 181 bridges out of total 379 bridges have already been completed.

Work on one tunnel is in progress and tenders for 18 tunnels are under finalisation. The anticipated cost of the project is Rs 1496 crore. An amount of Rs 265 crore has been spent on this project up to Mar 31, 2004 and an outlay of Rs 70 crore has been proposed in Budget 2004-05.

No target of completion has yet been fixed. The completion of the project would depend upon availability of resources. In the past, efforts were made to get additional funds from Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources.

However, it had not been feasible to allocate additional funds for Railway projects from this pool due to other, pressing demands of various states. Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) have advised that funds through Non-Lapsable Central Pool are provided only to those projects which are submitted by the North Eastern States in their priority list. Normally these projects do not include central sectors such as Railways.
2006 Lumding-Silchar conversion work adversely affected in hill section after the militant attack on Railway staff. In the militant attack on October 6, 2006, 12 persons including 11 Railway personnel were killed and two vehicles were damaged.
2008 The target for completion of Lumding-Silchar has been fixed as March 2011.
2009 Lumding-Silchar-Jiribam gauge conversion project: Overall physical progress is about 45%. The progress is adversely affected due to law & order problems in the region.

Cost of the project has increased due to various reasons including price escalation, change in scope of work, standard of construction etc. The anticipated cost as per budget, 2009-10 is Rs 2,500 crore. The project is targeted for completion by March 2012.
2013 Lumding-Silchar gauge-conversion project is in an advanced stage of execution. Overall progress of the project is 85%. Project is targeted for completion by March 2015, subject to availability of funds

Source: Rajya Sabha


Claim: Lumding-Silchar broad gauge section inaugurated, Meghalaya comes on the rail map.

Reality: Gauge conversion work of Lumding-Silchar section started in 1996-97. There was often no money to continue the line or law-and-order problems delayed work. The target date was extended several times over the past few years. (See adjoining box)

Railways clarifies
The ministry of railways has stated that this report “indulges in meaningless hair-splitting” and does not reflect “the correct perspective”.
In a detailed note, the ministry has said that the increase of 12.2 per cent in earnings in 2014-15 is correct, but the growth has been due to better freight policies and system improvements. In 2013-14, the growth was on account of multiple fare hikes and tariff rationalisation, while in 2014-15, the four per cent growth in freight loading and 5.2 per cent growth in net tonnes per kilometer (NTKM) contributed to overall freight earnings. Moreover, the yields in passenger and freight earnings went up to 22 per cent and 8 per cent, respectively, in 2014-15, compared to 11 per cent and 6 per cent in the previous year.
With regard to the report’s claim that the $1.1-billion loan from the World Bank for the eastern dedicated freight corridor was approved on April 22, 2014, the Railways has clarified that the agreement for the loan was signed on December 11, 2014, and the final approvals for signing the loan and the guarantee agreement were received from the department of economic affairs on November 30, 2014. “The formal signing of the agreement has its own significance as it then paves the way for actual execution,” the note from the ministry of railways states.
On electrification of railway tracks, the clarification has noted that the achievement of 1,375 route-kilometres of electrification was more than the target of 1,350 kilometres fixed for 2014-15 and the target for 2015-16 has been enhanced to 1,600 kilometres. Similarly, the pace of fitting bio-toilets in trains picked up in 2014-15, the railways note states, while adding that the number of bio-toilets it fitted in trains between July 2014 and June 2015 was equal to what was fitted in the previous four years taken together. Also, the security helpline for passengers was indeed launched in 2014-15 though it was being planned for a long time.
On bullet trains, the ministry of railways has stated that both the interim and final reports on the feasibility study by Japan for bullet trains on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor have been received. China is to undertake the feasibility study of introducing bullet trains on the New Delhi-Chennai corridor, it notes. Compared to the earlier pre- feasibility studies, the current study completed in July 2015 is a feasibility study having all the features of a detailed project report, including alignments, location of stations, depots, comparison  of high-speed rail technology and completion cost estimates.
Referring to the report’s point on improving passenger facilities at 108 stations under the Adarsh Stations Scheme in 2014-15, the ministry note points out that the number of such stations is 10 more than those completed in the previous year.
The railways ministry has also stated that the Lumding-Silchar broad gauge section was indeed inaugurated in 2014-15, bringing Meghalaya on the rail map. An enhancement in the funds outlay from ~620 crore to ~889 crore during the course of the year helped complete the project within the target as the railways overcame the challenges of security issues, adverse weather and difficult geological conditions
The report was originally published in IndiaSpend ( and reprinted in Business Standard with its permission. When contacted, Indiaspend said the railways’ clarifications have emphasised the points its report had made and the railways’ claims, as the government’s own tweets showed, were put forward as its key reforms.


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First Published: Jul 25 2015 | 10:57 PM IST

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