A recovery trend was seen on the Delhi Stock Exchange (DSE) yesterday when share prices pulled up on domestic financial houses coupled with short-covering and closed with fresh gains. However, a few failed to cross last closing levels and finished slightly lower.
Marketmen said on reports that the expected hike in petrol prices might not be steep, shares of automobile sector recovered to wipe off Mondays losses. Foreign institutional investors were active at select counters which further fuelled the buying spree. The DSE sensitive index rose by 5.88 points to settle at 778.72 points.
In the specified section, automobile shares like Hero Honda shot up by Rs 21 to close at Rs 351 on fresh buying by financial houses. Bajaj Auto scrips jumped up Rs 19.50 at Rs 880 on brisk buying. LML was up at Rs 33.25 and Hindustan Motor at Rs 14.65 on revival of buying in automobile scrips.