The Strategist Quiz (#520)

The Strategist Quiz, 20 July, 2017

Gaurav Sri Krishna
Last Updated : Jul 20 2017 | 12:45 AM IST
1. Name the company that is recruiting its next wave of engineers thru the animated band Gorillaz’s mixed reality app. It will be used to challenge aspiring team members and fast-track the best performers through recruitment.

2. Connect the iPhone model 3GS and Intel and a business term that now finds common usage in the corporate world.

3. Which Indian brand has made the ISD code for India an integral part of its name?

4. Name the technology company and mention its objective for using Elephants in Thailand and Camels in the UAE for one of its service lines?

5. On July 17th 2002, Steve Jobs introduced the iCal that was made available as a free download as a part of Mac OS X v10.2. The iCal icon was set to this date in a way to pay tribute to the big announcement and later to serve as a “Birthday” reminder for the project. Whom did this inspire and what is another event that is celebrated on this day?

6. This brand was initially launched with a name that bore resemblance to a city in Sri Lanka.It was later re-launched as ___ in 1979 and distributed by Voltas, who additionally began marketing it in 1983. Give the first and subsequent names of this brand.

7. Recently where were the brands Fila and Capri watches seen together?

8. While Hercules was strolling along the shores of Phoenicia with a nymph he loved, named Tyrus, his dog, who was running beside them, came upon a Murex trunculus, with head protruding from its trumpet-like shell. The dog devoured the shellfish and came away with a mouth stained ___. Enraptured by the tint, Tyrus claimed a robe of that same striking shade. Name the shade of color that is globally used even now?

9. The common name for several species of trees in tropical or temperate climates that have spiky, thorn-like leaves, e.g. the Acacia and the boxthorn is the name given to a very popular online forum of travelers. What is it and who runs it?

10. Whose logo is this?  

Compiled by Gaurav Sri Krishna,

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