The Strategist Quiz (#522)

The Strategist Quiz, July 27, 2017

Gaurav Sri Krishna
Last Updated : Jul 26 2017 | 11:01 PM IST
1. This company was associated with the movie Blade Runner when it was first made in 1982. Now after emerging from a recent bankruptcy, it is busy reviving its brand ahead of its biggest comeback imaginable in the upcoming movie sequel Blade Runner 2049. Name it.

2. Connect the oldest sports and games manufacturer in the world, Parker Brothers of the USA, British military officers serving India during the 1870s-80s, a set of books and a golf ball.

3. If you are chatting online with “Heidi” where and what would you be doing?

4. Why is the perfume industry grateful to Sir William Henry Perkin, an English chemist best known for his accidental discovery of the first aniline dye: the purple mauveine?

5. Who is supposed to have made this statement in the 1990s: “The digital economy will begin to happen when the bits are for free”?

6. This brand rose to household name status after repeated lust-filled mentions on fashion-obsessed HBO show Sex in the City. The brand still sells product designed in honour of its “Sex and the City moment”. Name the brand.

7. This West Asian city has the following sobriquets: city of poets, city of gardens, city of flowers and nightingale. Its name became popular thanks to a particular industry in Australia. Name it.

8. Connect London School of Economics with Tata Steel and what do you arrive at?

9. If you are practising “Fika” at your workplace then where would you be working?

10. Name the brand and its owner.
Compiled by Gaurav Sri Krishna,
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