Traded volume in the wholesale debt market at the National Stock Exchange crashed to Rs 137.47 crore against the previous day's Rs 620.83 crore as call money rates ruled on the higher side in the 10.75 to 11.25 per cent band.
However, the corporate debenture segment saw active trading with volumes touching Rs 27.72 crore. The treasury bills segment was dull contributing to one trade and a volume of Rs 5.5 crore.
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Two repos deals were concluded for the 12.14 per cent gilts maturing in 2000 for 14 days at the rate of 11.65 per cent and 11.70 per cent.
The 11.25 per cent government loan maturing in 2005 was traded for Rs 20 crore at the weighted average yield of 12.08 per cent. The 14 per cent government loan maturing in 2005 was traded for Rs 15 crore at the weighted average yield of 12.25 per cent. In the corporate debenture segment, two deals were reported for the 14.5 per cent bonds of Larsen and Toubro maturing in 2002. It was traded for Rs 10.2 crore at the yield of 14.15 per cent. There were two trades for the 15.50 per cent bonds of TVS Suzuki maturing in 2004 amounting to Rs 17 crore.