Trading volumes at the debt market segment of the NSE increased to Rs 147.82 crore yesterday from Rs 92.79 crore on Thursday. This is in marked contrast to the Rs 200-crore plus turnovers recorded earlier in the week.
The exchange witnessed brisk activity yesterday due to the easy liquidity conditions prevailing in the market. The fact that it was a reporting Friday also assisted the trading.
The 13.5 per cent government stock, maturing in 1998, was traded at a premium with the yield dropping to 13.35 per cent. This was the largest trade during the day at Rs 35 crore. The zero-coupon bond was traded at 13.95 per cent for Rs 20 crore. The SCICI floating rate bond was traded for Rs 15 crore at 15.43 per cent.
The latest 364-day treasury bill was traded at 12.90 per cent for an amount of Rs 15 crore.
Two different deals of Rs 10 crore and Rs 5 crore each were struck in this one-year paper. The settlement days for the Rs 5 crore deal was three days. The other deals were settled on the same day. In the corporate debenture segment trading activity was dull.
The trading in this category amounted to a paltry Rs 13.73 lakh. Among the major company debentures being traded were BPL Sanyo, SR Shipping, ICICI, IDBI, Kotak Mahindra and the Reliance group.