If the present trend continuous the above said will become true as all water sources will get contaminated due to poor water management and lack of polution control. Apart from this India is impending upon a severe water crisis in the coming years as the available water resources are drying up. Millions of enterpreneuers across the country are strained by the persurre due to the nonavailability of water. And with the industrial production and industrialisation in the country growing, experts expect the presurre to mount further. Along with industrialisation population is also growing alrmingly thus further increasing the demand for water. Apart from these 70 percent of the available surface water is poluted causing deterioration in the water quality.
Poor watere mangement by companies, lack of sewage fecilities in cities are to be blamed for this crisis. Experts point out that recycling of water and proper water treatment are the only methods find a way out of this crisis.After the government has implimented stringent laws to protect the environment, the companies are becoming more and more aware of the needs of proper treatment of water before they are discharged or re used.
The major industries where water treatment is needed distillery, brewery, paper, textile dying, sugar, leather etc. though the large players in these fields are aware and careful about the needs and gravity of the situation most of the small scale industrial units violate all environmental norms.
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Two distinct phases of the water purification process are pre-treatment, generally known as clarification process and post treatment generally known as filtration process. By far the most important of these two is the former. As the raw water vary greatly in quality, this treatment is very important to make water suited for use.
Among various available systems for pre-treatment, clariflocculator units play vital role in removing suspended solids from water. Most of the companies established in water treatment field manufacture their own make equipment but unfortunately barring few makes developed with lot of experience, most other makes are pirated version of more established and experienced companies. Such pirated makes are available cheap but miserably fail to perform to achieve removal of suspended particles to reduce the effluent turbidity below 10 ppm which alone could result in stable and long operational runs of sand filters to produce filtered water having turbidity of 1 PPM or below. Most widely accepted method to further treat pre treated water is to pass it through rapid gravity sand filters to produce potable drinking water having less than one ppm turbidity. Recycling used water is an area where further attention and growth is required. " we need a common model to make water available for the use, recycling seweage for industrial use, and then treating effluents for irrigatio" points out Mr. K. P Nyati, Head Environmet Division CII, "It is a healthy sign that more and more companies are getting environmental conscious these days" he adds further.
Industry is slowly recognising the advanatages of recycling water for further use. But the economy factor seems to be the prohibitive factor for most of the companies.
The treatment method adopted for clarification, filtration and disinfection are simple, but unless proper controlling methods are adopted there could be problems.
One of the main chemicals used in water treatment plant is alum and at times Lime is also used in the plant depending on the characteristics of the raw water. Both these chemicals are non
hazardous. These days Polyelectrolytes are used for coagulation purpose which reduces consumption Alum. This chemical has to be used with great care as some of the Polyelectrolyte are not suitable for treating drinking water. Other chemical which is used for disinfection of water is Chlorine. Chlorine is a hazardous chemical and overdose of Chlorine is carcinogenic, however consumption of water with out disinfection is also dangerous. Chlorine also kills the algal growth in water which is necessary for industrial water treatment process.
According to experts the over all scenario in the field of water treatment is not very encouraging as the authorities, who decide the contracts are not in favour of adopting new technologies and cling on to the old technology which is outdated in most of the developed countries.