InstaColl, a Bangalore-based startup has come up with a software application built into Microsoft Office allowing several people to work on a word document or spreadsheet simultaneously. |
They can do so securely, with this software and their physical location will not matter, says InstaColl. |
This product for "instant collaboration" will become the next big thing after the telephone and e-mail in how people work together, says Sabeer Bhatia, a serial entrepreneur. |
Bhatia, whose own blockbuster startup, Hotmail, played no small role in popularising the e-mail, is backing InstaColl. |
Its promoters, Sumanth Raghavendra and Kaushal Kavale, have built a product that exploits the power of peer-to-peer technology to provide a more economical and powerful alternative to e-mail for collaborative work, Bhatia said here on Wednesday. |
"Peer-to-peer technology allows computers to be directly connected up, instead of going through a back end server," Bhatia says, making products such as InstaColl less server-intensive or bandwidth hungry. |
The application will be easily available to any number of users "" enterprises or individuals. It will be a full-fledged web conferencing tool and in conjunction with other software such as Skype, which facilitates voice over Internet, will be the future of "real time collaboration", he says. |
Meta Group, a technology market tracker, forecasts that by year 2007 nearly 95 per cent of all "knowledge workers" will routinely use real time collaboration, he says. This eliminated the store-and-forward model of e-mail, making collaboration "less procrastination friendly". |
InstaColl was circulating a beta-version for people try it out currently, at |