The National Knowledge Commission, headed by technocrat Sam Pitroda, has come out with a blue print on e-governance, aimed at eliminating the British Raj practices in the government sector by reengineering processes and services. "E-governance is more about an opportunity for administrative reforms than merely about electronics, IT and infrastructure. If we miss this opportunity to reengineer government processes before computerization, the cost will be enormous," Pitroda said here on Monday after presenting the recommendations made by the Commission. The report on e-governance was prepared by a special group of the commission, under the chairmanship of Nandan Nilekani, chief executive officer of Infosys. The report was discussed at the Planning Commission and presented to the ministry for communication and IT. A high level committee, headed by the Prime Minister, would oversee the implementation of the recommendations made by the Commission. A result can be expected over the next few years and Rs 5,000-7,000 crore might be spent on e-governance in the coming days," Pitroda said.The main recommendations include reengineering of government process before computerization. It is essential to first redesign government processes with a citizen focus. There should be a replacement of old mistrust and control regime with hassle-free enabling of citizens, businesses, producers and consumers," Pitroda said.The government must identity 10-20 important processes and services starting with birth and death certificates, proof of residence, ration card and ID card. "Each state should implement these processes in concert and learn from each other," Pitroda said.The other recommendations include: computerisation at the national level, a nationwide secure broadband infrastructure and associated hardware, software and hosting facilities with easy access, starting web-based services, use of open source software and open standards, creating an empowered chief information technology officer at the state and central level, implementing new national programmes like Bharat Nirman through e-governance and creating an organisation to ensure that e-governance succeeds.