Apple on Monday launched an updated version of its MacBook Pro (13-inch) with new keyboards, while boosting performance and bundling twice the storage in the base model compared to its predecessor. The new lineup of MacBook Pro, which starts at Rs 1,22,990, will be available shortly in India.
Apple’s laptop lineup had faced criticism for typing-related problems. The tech giant was criticised for using "butterfly" keyboard, which had complaints of being sticky, unresponsive keys and keystrokes that failed to register due to dust or debris accumulated under or near keys. Now, the company has upgraded its MacBook lineup with Magic Keyboard, which uses "scissor" mechanism more commonly used in the industry.
Earlier this year, the company launched the updated MacBook Air with new Magic Keyboard, 256GB of solid state drive (SSD) storage and Intel’s 10th-generation Core processor starting at Rs 92,990. The MacBook Pro also gets similar treatment. It gets a Magic Keyboard, 256GB of SSD storage, and Intel’s 10th-generation Quad Core processors. Besides, the Pro model also gets up to 32GB RAM that operates at a faster 3733MHz frequency.
The 13-inch MacBook Pro comes with the Apple T2 Security Chip, Apple’s own custom-designed second-generation silicon, which checks that software loaded during the boot process has not been tampered with and provides on-the-fly data encryption for everything stored on the SSD. The T2 also protects Touch ID information.
“Whether you’re a college student, a developer, or a creative pro, the 13-inch MacBook Pro delivers powerful performance, a stunning Retina display, and all-day battery life in our most portable pro notebook. Today we’re adding the new Magic Keyboard, doubling the standard storage, and boosting performance, making the 13-inch MacBook Pro an even better value for our customers,” Tom Boger, Apple’s senior director of Mac and iPad Product Marketing, said in a statement
“With these updates, our entire notebook lineup features the Magic Keyboard for the best typing experience ever on a Mac notebook, offers twice the standard storage than before, and delivers even more performance,” he added.
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