The Sunil Bharti Mittal-promoted Bharti group is planning to get listed in the US to access capital and expand overseas visibility."We rely on the best in the world, whether it is technology, service providers or strategic partners. We seek global capital, we will go to the markets to get more money, both equity and debt. We are planning to list ourselves in the American markets. Our vision is to be globally admired for providing telecom services," Sunil Mittal said today."On the ground, our operations are in India. We believe we are in a country where the growth is still to be captured. So,we will remain reasonably focused here," he added, and said that Bharti is targeting a customer base of 25 million in the next two years."We have to manage growth; we will be a 25-million customer company in two years. There are only six companies in the world that have 25 million customers or more. When I compare myself with those companies, we are rather modest and tiny in size and resources," he said.Mittal is also bullish on other businesses the company has entered into recently like bidding for airport modernisation and fruit and vegetable export business. It has tied up with Changgi Airport of Singapore to bid for modernising the Mumbai and Delhi airports."If you go to the airport today, it's 1950s vintage, it is horribly bad, very poor planning, it doesn't cope with the capacity. We hope we will get the honour of doing the modernisation work," Mittal said.