State-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has set an ambitious target of 100,000 3G subscribers in Punjab circle (which includes Punjab and Chandigarh) by March 2010. BSNL is hopeful that its acceptance among consumers will increase once the service is available across the state and handset costs go down. At present, it has 5,000 3G customers in Punjab circle. The service is restricted to some of the district headquarters only.
BSNL launched its 3G services in Jalandhar in February 2009, followed by other district headquarters of Punjab and in Chandigarh even as the private operators were still waiting to get spectrum through the auction process. BSNL plans to launch the service in remaining five district headquarters of Moga, Ferozpur, Muktsar, Faridkot and Sangrur by the end of this fiscal year.
Punjab Telecom Circle Chief General Manager P K Paliwal said, “We will roll out our services in the remaining areas by the end of this financial year. Although at present we have 5,000 3G customers across the state, I think acceptance will increase exponentially when the services are available across the state.We expect to add 95,000 3G customers by March 2010.”